Bodzio SE
2010-02-14 19:35:00 UTC
Czy istnieje mo¿liwo¶æ, a jak tak, to w jaki sposób. Chcia³bym po³±czyæ dwa
swf w jednym oknie przegl±darki. Mianowicie dotychczas jest strona w html z
wykorzystaniem wiêkszej ilo¶ci flash. Ca³y flash jest w obwódce (ramce). S±
tam zak³adki buttony i chcia³bym aby w jednej z zak³adek by³a mo¿liwo¶æ
otwarcia innego swf. Nie by³oby by problemu, gdybym móg³ go edytowaæ we fla.
on (release) {
loadMovie("TUTAJ NAZWA.swf", 0);
powoduje otwarcie nowego swf-a, a nie jego wczytanie w istniej±cy swf.
Is there a possibility, and if so, how. I would like to combine two swf in a
single browser window. Namely, it is not in html page using flash more. The
entire flash is in the coronary band (the frame). There are buttons and
bookmarks, I would like to in one of the tabs have to open another swf.
Would not be a problem if I could edit it in the fla. Do it (release)
(loadMovie ( "NAME HERE. Swf", 0);) will open a new swf-a, not a load in an
existing swf.
swf w jednym oknie przegl±darki. Mianowicie dotychczas jest strona w html z
wykorzystaniem wiêkszej ilo¶ci flash. Ca³y flash jest w obwódce (ramce). S±
tam zak³adki buttony i chcia³bym aby w jednej z zak³adek by³a mo¿liwo¶æ
otwarcia innego swf. Nie by³oby by problemu, gdybym móg³ go edytowaæ we fla.
on (release) {
loadMovie("TUTAJ NAZWA.swf", 0);
powoduje otwarcie nowego swf-a, a nie jego wczytanie w istniej±cy swf.
Is there a possibility, and if so, how. I would like to combine two swf in a
single browser window. Namely, it is not in html page using flash more. The
entire flash is in the coronary band (the frame). There are buttons and
bookmarks, I would like to in one of the tabs have to open another swf.
Would not be a problem if I could edit it in the fla. Do it (release)
(loadMovie ( "NAME HERE. Swf", 0);) will open a new swf-a, not a load in an
existing swf.